There’s so much going on in this world right now: The pandemic, this quarantine 15 (it’s real outchea!), blatant racism, and the pandering that comes with it, etc... #Distewmuch
What can we do to keep our sanity? Check it.. Take some time for you. That's most important. I need to be able to take care of me, before I can take care of anybody else. Figure out the best way to decompress. You don’t need to book a lavish spa treatment, (especially if we cant go outside anyway). Sis, just keep it simple!
Start by checking in with your circle. Even if they aren’t receptive, at least you tried. A phone call or text can make a huge difference on both your end, or that friend that may live alone or be quarantining single. Zoom happy hours were my saving grace during the 1st half of quarantine. i got to interact with people outside of my household, didn't need to worry about getting a ride home so I can drink, and quite frankly, I didn't have to put on a bra. #winwin
Move dat azzz! Alright, so since my new-found quarantine weight gain, I’ve decided to make an effort of walking 30 minutes a day. Who knows when I’m going to feel comfortable enough to get back in the gym, and since I'm not disciplined enough to wake up early and do a full routine at home, I’ve settled for walking the dog as much as I can. Are we hiking every day? Nope, but this tiny form of self-care is helping me manage both mentally and physically.
Go to bed! I cant say that I’m the most disciplined with this, but I’ve realized that I’m no longer the person that can stay up late and then wake up hella early. Nope! Not gonna happen.. But sometimes, when the mood hits, I’ll take a hot relaxing bath with my CBD bath bombs (shameless plug alert!), a glass of wine, and then go to bed at a respectable hour. As much as I love sleep, I don’t know why this is an endless struggle, but it’s definitely a work on progress. A good night's sleep has me feeling unstoppable the next day.
This is self-care 101.. There's so many more things we can do to get our minds right. There’s way too much going on in the world to not at least try these small things.. Get into it! And let me know how it goes! ;-)